Cherish your SCARS.

Mar 23, 2024
Photo by Christopher Paul High on Unsplash

Cherish your scars.
for they are the spoils of war
a written proof of the mistakes
that did not consume you.
A testament to your generations to come
that you lived
you saw, you explored
and you conquered.
Cherish your scars
for they are a template
for the history books
that are yet to be written
and the historians
that are yet to be born.
Cherish your scars.
for they reveal more about you
than you know about yourself
Cherish your scars.
these scars are broken pieces,
but when assembled together,
make you whole.
make you beautiful.
make you human.
Cherish your scars.
for these scars were once wounds
wounds that took time to heal
Cherish your scars.
for they are sacred lines
they may not tell you
where you’re going
but they show you
where you’re coming from.
Cherish your scars.

